About We NEVER Surrender

We the People have more power than some folks think. Together, we can be a powerful force for good, for fairness, and for justice.
Across the entire nation, groups that represent millions of consumers and workers are uniting to stop corporations from robbing us of our basic rights, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution -- including Wells Fargo -- the least respected company in the nation.

Sally Greenberg (5th from left), Executive Director of the National Consumers League, gets a friendly reception from community leaders, executives, and staff at the Bank of Labor
Make your voice heard! Make the switch. Fire Wells Fargo. How to fire Wells Fargo
Learn how you and your organization can get involved. Contact us. We want to hear from you!
We NEVER Surrender is a project of the non-profit consumer organization Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety (CARS) Foundation, founded in 1979. The CARS Foundation is working on this project in cooperation with a large coalition of pro-consumer, pro-worker groups and individuals. Here's who is working together to get Wells Fargo to stop robbing its customers and workers of their Constitutional rights